Marol Education Academy


School Index No.3202054, Recognition No. DDE/SEC/72/4695-97
College Index No. J32.02.031, Recognition No.A-13/HSC/2010-11/2782-83 ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified

Parent-Teacher Association

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As per the Guide lines provided by Government of Maharashtra (School Education & Sports Division) vide Government Resolution No: PTA 2010/(347/10) MASH I-2) Dt. 24th August, 2010, our school has adopted following rules and regulations regarding formation, role of PTA and elections to the PTA Working Committee (PTA_WC)


Duties of PTA


a). To see that syllabus is completed as planned.


b). To suggest suitable schemes to support student’s weak in studies.


c). To assist school in planning and organizing educational programs pertaining to syllabus.


d). To collect information regarding school fees, term fees, etc. for educational programs and to present it to the Working Committee of PTA.


e). To promote understanding and co-operation between parents and teachers to solve problems faced by the teachers and students.


f). To help development in children, respect for teachers and elders, our tradition, culture etc.


g). To help teachers in their work by taking keen interest in the educational progress of the children, and periodic checkup at home.



PTA is not expected to look into the day to day school work and administration of the school.


Role of PTA will be of great importance in this bringing in transparency in the fixation of fees.


The structure and modus operandi of PTA will be as follows:


a)      All school, must, within 30 days of start of academic year, form the PTA.


b)      The parents of every student in the school will be members of PTA. All teachers of the school will be members of PTA- General Body.



c)      A Working Committee of PTA must be elected at the General Body Meeting in the beginning of the year. It is mandatory to ensure presence of minimum 50% of members for the meeting. In case, there are many candidates desirous to be in the WC, an election must be held within two weeks; there must be total transparency in the process. Notice for meeting must be given to all concerned, by the Principal through a circular/ display on school web-site.



d)      Structure of PTA WC


President                        - Principal/Head


Vice President               - One from parent


Secretary                        - One from teachers


Joint Secretary (2)        - One from Parents and one from teachers.


Members                        - One Teacher from each standard.


-  One parent per division. (Number of parent= number of classes). In case there are no s parents coming forward for any class


e). 50% of the members of WC will be women.


f). List of WC members must be displayed on PTA notice board and on school web-site.


g). The School will submit a list of members of PTA and of WC members to the Ed. Office/ Ed. Inspector within 15 days from the formation of PTA.


h)  Tenure of WC member of PTA will be 2 years irrespective of any section they are in. No parents shall be a member of PTA WC for a period of five years after the two years term is over. (It means that a parent completing his/her term WC, will not be eligible to be elected into the Committee for next 5 years). Members will be elected every year subject to the following:


Ø  In case any parent who was a member of PTA WC for one year again becomes a member after a gap of one year he/she will be deemed to have completed two years term at the end of second year, will not be eligible to be a member of PTA WC for next 5 years.


Ø   Both parents can only be eligible to be a member of PTA WC, if their wards are from different sections.


Ø  In case no parents volunteer to be the representative of any class the President has the right to nominate /co-opt a suitable parent to the PTA WC from that class.


i). If there are two children studying in the same section at a time, when one parent completes his/ her term of two years, the other parent can represent the second child (A special policy adopted by the school)


i). Notice to the meeting of PTAWC must be sent to all members along with agenda well in advance.


j). Minutes of the meeting, after approval of WC, to be displayed on notice board/ web-site. This is mandatory. Minutes, duly signed, to be preserved.


k). A suggestion box will be kept in the front portion of the school.


l). All Government circulars, High-court orders, names of PTA WC members with phone numbers to be displayed on school notice board/ web-site.


m). PTA will have two meetings per year, with a gap of not more than six months, in between. Notice for the meeting with agenda is to be given at least 15 days in advance, by hand delivery. The first subject of these meetings will be of educational fees. The WC will keep record of all suggestions received.


Schools failing to implement these guidelines will be dealt with severely.


They will be fined, also recognition will be withdrawn.


Affix Principals signature with school

Visiting Hours 

Principal, HM, School Office : 

Monday-Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm 

Management :

Monday-Friday: 10 am to 12 noon 

(with prior appointment)

Jr.Kg Admissions for 2023-24 OPEN.


  • Marol Education Academy's High School & Junior College

    Bhawani Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road,
    Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059
    Landmark: Near Seven Hills Hospital

    Phone: 022 2925 9570

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