Marol Education Academy


School Index No.3202054, Recognition No. DDE/SEC/72/4695-97
College Index No. J32.02.031, Recognition No.A-13/HSC/2010-11/2782-83 ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified


All students who have passed SSC and HSC from our School are eligible to become members of  Marol Education Academy’s Alumni Association.  They may register their names by paying a nominal annual subscription to be used for activities of the Association.  The objective of the Association to work for the development and welfare of their Alma Mater.

Principal will be the ex-officio patron of the Association.

The current working committee consists of –

Office bearers:

·       Santosh Shetty - President

·       Dnyanesh Golatkar -Secretary

·       Jabir Kapasi -Treasurer

·       Selvi Murugan – Joint Treasurer

Members  :

·       Heena Vaswani

·       Salil Akkadan

·       Shilpa Gore

·       Biju Gopalakrishnan

·       Jitendra Singh

·       Imran Sherwa

·       Sandeep Gaikwad

·       Binod Thakur

·       Sapna Shetty

·       Mamta Coutto

·       Sanjit Satyanath

The Association provides an opportunity to all alumni to interact with and help the School for its future growth.   It also gives an opportunity to know more about each other and rekindle the cherished friendship and happy memories. 

Visiting Hours 

Principal, HM, School Office : 

Monday-Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm 

Management :

Monday-Friday: 10 am to 12 noon 

(with prior appointment)

Jr.Kg Admissions for 2024-25 OPEN.


  • Marol Education Academy's High School & Junior College

    Bhawani Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road,
    Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059
    Landmark: Near Seven Hills Hospital

    Phone: 022 2925 9570

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