Marol Education Academy


School Index No.3202054, Recognition No. DDE/SEC/72/4695-97
College Index No. J32.02.031, Recognition No.A-13/HSC/2010-11/2782-83 ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified

Our Motto & Mission

             “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय” – From darkness, lead me to light.

            This inscription from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, at the base of our logo is our motto.

             In the highly competitive world of today, acquisition of knowledge through education is the key to rise higher in life. None wants to grope in darkness (tamas) of ignorance and perish. The cry is for light (jyotis), the light of knowledge. This mantra, seen in secular sense highlights the importance of education.  It makes our School slogan “Friend, Rise Higher” a clarion call to students.  

We hold that Education is not about just acquiring knowledge and skill.  Our mission is to impart education that ensures wholesome development of personality and hidden potentials of students. It becomes complete only when there is refinement of mind and heart leading to development of character.  It must cultivate independent, liberal and creative thinking, right convictions, and instill not just tolerance but understanding. True education creates awareness about our interdependence with nature urging respect for environment - “The home of mankind”.

 We endeavor to lay a firm foundation from which students can, not only take off to higher academic pursuits to become good professionals but also ideal world-citizens. Swami Vivekananda said: “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” In essence, it makes Education a man-making mission. To realize this goal MEA has as its bedrock, distinct and enduring convictions of social values and moral beliefs, reflected in our activities. We are committed to provide a student-centered environment in which the intellectual, cultural, aesthetic, social, physical and recreational needs of the student are met. 



Visiting Hours 

Principal, HM, School Office : 

Monday-Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm 

Management :

Monday-Friday: 10 am to 12 noon 

(with prior appointment)

Jr.Kg Admissions for 2024-25 OPEN.


  • Marol Education Academy's High School & Junior College

    Bhawani Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road,
    Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400059
    Landmark: Near Seven Hills Hospital

    Phone: 022 2925 9570

Interested or Questions?


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